Monday, November 06, 2006

How to use Flex to get the BEST DEAL!

It is important to understand that the Flex rate may vary depending on:
- Time of booking
- Date of Pick-up (when you collect your vehicle)
- City of Pick-up (where you collect your vehicle)
- Your choice of vehicle

Some tips to ensure you secure the best deal:

1. Remember… Book early and save!

2. The Flex rate for the entire hire is based on the week within which you collect your vehicle. Look at what the rates are for the weeks before and after your planned pick-up date. Perhaps with a minor change to your intended travel dates you could save on your overall hire cost.

3. Look at the route you are intending to travel and what it may cost to make a small adjustment to your travel plans. Perhaps, something as simple as reversing your direction of travel will make a substantial difference to your hire cost. For example, if you are planning to travel from Sydney to Cairns, look also at what the rate is from Cairns to Sydney. Sometimes by reversing your route you can experience the same holiday at a much lower cost. At times, Britz need to relocate some vehicles, and do this by offering a lower Flex rate. These " relocation specials" can be identified from the Exception List below the Flex table on the website, or by comparing locations on the Emailed lists.

4. Look at the Flex rates for other vehicle categories. While normally the larger vehicles have a higher daily rate, with the nature of supply and demand it is possible that a larger vehicle may be offered at a lower Flex rate, making it similar in price to a smaller campervan . So if you are looking for a campervan for two people, also look at the rates available on the larger vehicles. You might find a great offer!

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